Decree regulates conditions for cars from abroad to Việt Nam

Foreign drivers using their vehicles in Việt Nam must complete a stringent set of procedures through a recognised travel company before they enter the country.

This is one of the regulations in the Government’s Decree 30/2024/NĐ-CP, which takes effect this month.

It sets management procedures for motor vehicles registered abroad and brought into Việt Nam by international tourism.

Under the decree, written approval issued by the Ministry of Public Security (MoPS) is needed before the vehicles are allowed on the road.

For foreign motor vehicles, the decree requires vehicle registration and licence plate.

The vehicle must have a valid certificate of technical safety and environmental protection inspection or equivalent documents issued by the competent authority from the country of vehicle registration.

For cars with right-hand drive, the decree clearly states that the vehicle must have a note from a diplomatic representative agency, consular agency or representative agency of an intergovernmental organisation in Việt Nam sent to the MoPS.

The note should explain the reasons for the vehicle to drive in Việt Nam.

At the same time, customs procedures must be carried out according to the provisions of customs law at entry and exit border gates.

The maximum time allowed to use in Việt Nam is no more than 45 days. In exceptional cases, the vehicles can stay in Việt Nam for no more than 10 additional days, said the MoPS.

Conditions for drivers

Decree 30 states that foreign drivers must have a passport or valid international travel documents and visas or valid documents for residing in Việt Nam, except for visa exemption cases.

For foreigners entering the country under unilateral visa exemption, their passport must be valid for at least six months.

In the case of using an electronic visa, foreigners must enter through international border gates decided by the Government.

To drive a foreign motor vehicle in Việt Nam, the driver needs to have a foreign-issued driving licence that is appropriate to the type of vehicle being driven and is still valid.

The driver must also complete entry, exit and residence procedures for foreigners according to regulations.

The MoPS is responsible for approving Vietnamese international travel service businesses to organise procedures for foreign tourists to bring their motor vehicles into Việt Nam.

The MoPS is coordinating with the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Finance to resolve temporary import and re-export procedures for foreign motor vehicles.

It is working with People’s Committees to manage, monitor and inspect the vehicle’s operations in Việt Nam.

In some special cases, the decree states that, to ensure order, traffic safety and national security, the MoPS can refuse, suspend operations or request time changes, route and speeds for foreign motor vehicles driven in Việt Nam for tourism.

By: Bao Cong Thuong